






One fact first:  Other Germans understand you, even if you make mistakes!

If you want to train the German expression, this is how you express the ABC.

However only those letters with a blue addition are needed to speak German correctly. We have also summarized them for you at the end!

An example from the English language: in words the “th” is not spoken as “tea age” …


In order to train, you should start reading with the word in capital-letters, for example “ARKANSAS”. Than try it:  A like in ARKANSAS  -  and so on.



A like in ARKANSAS  -  (in words right this way  AMERICA = AMERICA)


B almost like in BELL  -  (in words like in English)


C like in YANGTSEKIANG  -  (in words right way  CENT= CENT (TSENT) - (as long as it’s not connected in “ck” or “ch”) 


D almost like in DENTIST  -  (in words like in English)


E almost like in ENEMY -  (in words right this way  ENGLISH = ENGLISCH)


F like F  -  (in words like in English too)


G almost like in GET  -  (in words like in English)


H like in HARD  -  (in words like in English)


I like in ILLINOIS  -  (in words right this way)


J almost like in IDIOT  -  (in words like the English “y”  YOUTH  = JUGEND (YOUGEND))


K like in CARD  -  (in words like in English)


L like L  -  (in words like in English)


M like M  -  (in words like in English)


N like N  -  (in words like in English)


O like O  -  (in words like in English)


P almost like in PET  -  (in words like in English)


Q like in COOL  -  (in words like in English)


R like in ???    (the German “r” is not like the English “r”, but also not like the Spanish “rrr”)


S like S  -  (in words like in English)


T almost like in TERRIFIC  -  (in words like in English)


U like in OOPS  -  (in words like in English)


V like in FOUND  -  (in words like in English)


W almost like in VETERAN  -  (in words like in English)


X like in CHICKS  -  (in words like in English)


Y =  ÜPSILON   Just forget it ...  -  (… and anyhow actually not existent in German words at all)


Z like in ETCETERA    (in words only the TCET gets expressed  ZOMBIE = ZOMBIE (TCOMBIE))



Ä like in AT  -  (in words right this way)

Ö almost like in EARTH  -  (in words right this way)

Ü like in ???    maybe just stick to your normal English “u” here.


CH there are no examples for the two German CHs in English





A like in ARKANSAS   -  in words right this way  AMERICA = AMERIKA

E almost like in ENEMY  -  in words right this way  ENGLISH = ENGLISCH

I like in ILLINOIS  -  in words right this way

J almost like in (IDIOT)  -  in words like the EnglishY YOUTH  = JUGEND = (YOUGEND)

R like in ???  -  just stick to your normal English “r”, don’t copy the Spanish “rrr”.

U like in OOPS  -  in words right this way

Z like in ETCETERA    in words only the TCET gets expressed  ZOMBIE = ZOMBIE (TCOMBIE)


Ä like in AT  -  (in words right this way)

Ö almost like in EARTH  -  (in words right this way)

Ü like in ???  -  maybe just stick to your normal English “u” here.