With the Banner of 1865, established after the admission of Nevada to the United States.  -  (“Wasser = water”)




Abbreviation: NV

Nickname: The Silver State

Capital: Carson City

Official Language: None

State Motto: All For Our Country

Admitted to Union: 31st of October 1864 as the 36th state

Population: about 2.998.000

German-Americans:  more than 339.000  -  about 14%  -  Biggest ethnic group in Nevada!


















Regional German-American institutions

- American Historical Society of Germans, Las Vegas

- Die Lustigen Zehn, Las Vegas

- German-American Society of Southern Nevada, Las Vegas

- German-American Social Club of Nevada, Las Vegas







German fests/events








German Restaurants

- Café Heidelberg German Market and Restaurant, Las Vegas

- Hofbraeuhaus Las Vegas, Las Vegas







Stores specialized on German goods

- Café Heidelberg German Market and Restaurant, Las Vegas







Towns with German Background







Additional information








Literature about Germans here








Additional state Symbols

State bird: Mountain bluebird

State flower: Sagebrush

State animal: Desert bighorn sheep

State tree: Bristlecone pine

State fish: Lahontan cutthroat trout

State reptile: Desert tortoise

State Insect: Vivid Dancer Damselfly

State mineral: Silver

State rock: Sandstone