The revolutionary operation of Friedrich Hecker to achieve a German Republic was also called “Heckerzug“.

 Zug = train or (military) campaign (most often: Feldzug)




Abbreviation: ND

Nickname: Peace Garden State

Capital: Bismarck

Official language: None

State Motto: Liberty and Union  -  Serit ut alteri saeclo prosit = one sows for the benefit of another age

Admitted to Union: November 2nd 1889 as the 39th state

Population: about 758.000

German-Americans:  more than 291.000  -  about 47%  -  Biggest ethnic group in North Dakota!


















Regional German-American institutions

- Deutscher Club, Maddock

- Germans from Russia Heritage Society, Bismarck

- German Hungarian Lodge, Dickinson







German fests/ events








German Restaurants









Stores specialized on German goods








Towns with German Background

- Bismarck







Additional information








Literature about Germans here








Additional state Symbols

State bird: Western meadowlark

State song: North Dakota Hymn

State flower: Wild prairie rose

State Tree: American elm

State fish: Northern pike

State horse: Nokota horse

State grass: Western wheat grass

State dance: Square dance

State fruit: Choke cherry

State beverage: Milk